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Ba Guan -Cupping Treatment

 Ba Guan (拔罐 – pronounced Pah-Kwan) or Cupping therapy is a traditional therapy in which a vacuum is created by fire in glass or bamboo cups which are placed on your back. In traditional Chinese medical theory, Ba Guan therapy creates a vacuum helping to dispel stagnant blood and lymphatic fluids, thereby improving the flow of essential energy or Qi (气).


 Tui Na (推拿 – pronounced Twee Nah) is a traditional bodywork therapy that has been used in China for 2,000 years. Tui Na uses the traditional Chinese medical theory of the flow of essential energy or Qi (气) through the meridians as its basic therapeutic orientation. Through the application of massage and manipulation techniques Tui Na seeks to establish a more harmonious flow of Qi through the system of channels and collaterals, allowing the body the naturally heal itself.

 Gua Sha (刮痧 – pronounced Kwa-Sha) therapy is a traditional therapy in which a lubricating medium, such as massage oil, is applied to the skin of the area to be treated. A smooth-edged instrument is used by the therapist to apply short or long strokes on the skin, typically in the area of pain or on the back parallel to the spine. Gua Sha removes blood stagnation considered pathogenic, promoting normal blood circulation, improved circulation of essential energy or Qi (气) and metabolic processes.

 Moxibustion (艾灸 – pronounced Ai Jiu) is a traditional therapy that involves the burning of a small bundle of tightly bound herbs, or moxa, to targeted acupoints of the body. The heat generated during moxibustion helps increase the flow of essential energy or Qi (气) throughout the body via the meridians. In traditional Chinese medical theory, stimulating the flow of Qi is essential to achieving health and wellness.

 Huo Long (火龙 – pronounce Hwo-Loong) or thermotherapy is a traditional therapy that originates from Tibet. Huo Long therapy combines traditional Chinese medical meridian theory with Moxibustion therapy to enhance the efficacy of these therapies. Through intermediate direct contact with heat, pores and acupoints can be swiftly opened up providing for immediate improvement in circulation of essential energy or Qi (气) and inducing the Yin and Yang balance of the body.

Chinese Herbs

Chinese herbal medicine. Shaolin Treatments & Theropies- use of medicinal substances—primarily plants, but also some minerals and animal products. Different parts of plants, such as the leaves, roots, stems, flowers, and seeds, are used. In TCM & Shaolin, herbs are often combined in formulas and given such as Linements  Liquid extracts, Dit Da Jows, or Creams. all are used externally to ad healing of injuries ect.

Teas , Soups , Tonic Wines.


Chi Gong - Acupressure, Massage, Bodywork

THERAPEUTIC QIGONG -Individual Sessions In coordination with your physician, acupuncturist, or other health care providers, Shif Shi De Xue designs qigong healing exercises and meditations to address your specific concerns. Healing sessions may also include External Qi Healing, in which the client lies, fully clothed, on a massage table or chair . Shifu Shi De Xue applies his hands on the client's body and assesses the health and balance of qi. Specific therapeutic passes are used to increase energy, disperse stagnation, or reduce pain. Sessions are fifty minutes in length. Typically they include 30-40 minutes of qigong instruction and 10-20 minutes of external qi treatment. Although many clients report improvement after one session, a series of three or more is usually advised .

During the treatment the client will be fully clothed and will be lying comfortably on a massage table. The treatment involves manual manipulation of the muscles, gentle stretching techniques and manipulation of acupressure points in the body. This helps to bring the energy flow in the body back into harmony and helps to correct any imbalances the client may present with.




Initial Consultation:  hour   €50.00

  • Tongue Evaluation

  • Pulse Diagnostics

  • Acupuncture treatment   € 50.00

  • Moxi Bustion Treatment  € 50.00

  • Huo Long Treatment        € 50.00

  • Gua Sha Treatment          € 50.00

  • Cupping                              €40.00 ( 15 to 20 mins )

  • Tui Na                                 € 50.00    ( Acupressure Chi Gong ) 

  • Herbal Recommendations as appropriate €25.00

  • Plan for course of treatments

Follow-Up Treatments : 20/60 mins - €30.00



  •     Acupressure ( Chi Gong ) Treatment €40.00

  •     Herbal Recommendations as appropiate €25,00

  •     Cupping €40.00

  •     Acupuncture €40.00



Bradan Donnelly ( Solicitor )

I had an old injury that I got when I was playing Rugby , I took pills tried but it kept  coming back a friend recomended the Shaolin Center I had 2 treatments and can see a grate improvment and no discomfort. I had Fire Cupping done. try it it will help you

Ryan Dillion ( Hunt Jockey )

Being a Hunt Jockey I pick up a lot of injuries , Shifu Shi De Xue's has helped me  with Chi Gong treatment for pain and herbal treatments , I am happy I found him and have recommended him to my fellow jockeys and family.

 Eric Carter-Evens ( CEO )
I was having trouble with my back for a long time from an old injury I got doing Karate , A friend gave me Shifu Shi De Xue's card and said he got treatment for his back last week and will be there again for a second treatment , he said he can now move better and has a lot less pain . So I call to make a booking it was the best thing for my back.

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